Otto E. Rössler completed his studies in medicine but was never a physician. He spent a post-doc with Konrad Lorenz about socio-biology and cognitive science. He continued with a second post-doc with Robert Rosen with whom he learned to reproduce observed dynamics with differential equations. He then started as an academic by teaching computer programming and computed numerical solutions to the differential equations governing chemical reactions. Otto submitted his first paper on chaos in 1976. The Rössler system quickly became one of the prototypes on which the paradigm of chaos theory is constructed. He also introduced hyperchaos and suggested a classification of chaotic attractors. Otto E. Rössler investigated applications of chaos in various fields : chemistry, heart rhythm, biology, electronics, astrophysics, fluid mechanics... In order to celebrate his contribution to chaos theory for his 80th birthday, this forthcoming conference is devoted to enlightening how chaotic behaviors help to understand the reality of the world in its complexity. Contributions should try to show how the concepts of state space, attractor, first-return maps, Poincaré sections, bifurcations, etc. combined with advanced concepts allow for better views of the possible dynamics produced by simple as well as complex systems. Contributions can be either theoretical, numerical, experimental, observational or historical.
Note : 50 years ago, a colloquium was organized in Toulouse by Jean Lagasse et Christian Mira. its title was Discrete maps and their applications. Among the contributors, one may find Boris Chirikov, Vladimir Mel’nikov, Michel Hénon, Joseph Ford... The first picture of the chaotic sea of the standard map was published in the proceedings of this conference.
- Numerical simulations of the Mira map reproducing one of the pictures published in the proceedings of the 1973 conference.
Main topics
History of chaos
Data analysis
Nonlinear dynamical systems theory
Environmental dynamics (hydrology, epidemiology, oceanography, climatology)
Applications (physics, chemistry, biology, plasma, astrophysics, electronics…)
Invited speakers (40 min + 10 min questions)
Talks (slides) :
Honorary President Otto E. Rössler
Scientific Committee
Luis Antonio Aguirre (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Celso Grebogi (University of Aberdeen, UK)
René Lozi (Université de Nice, France)
Lars F. Olsen (University of South Denmark)
Ulrich Parlitz (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organisation, Biomedical Physics Group, Göttingen, Germany)
Louis M. Pecora Naval Research Laboratory (Maryland, USA)
Arkady Pikovsky (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Denisse Sciamarella (CNRS, Institut Franco-Argentin d’Etudes sur le Climat et ses Impacts, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Organizing Committee
Sylvain Mangiarotti (Centre d’Etudes Spatiales de la Biosphčre, UPS-CNES-CNRS-IRD-INRAE, Toulouse) To write him
Christophe Letellier (CORIA, Rouen Normandie Université)
Denisse Sciamarella (CNRS, Institut Franco-Argentin d’Etudes sur le Climat et ses Impacts, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Graphic designer : Hugues Aroux, Rouen Normandie University
Salle San Subra
4 Rue San Subra
31300 Toulouse, FRANCE
Visiting Toulouse