
2015 Modeling the cardio-respiratory system : cardiac remodeling and patient-ventilator interaction

Adrien Kerfourn


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Respiratory failure is defined as the inability of the respiratory system to ensure the organism’s needs in oxygen. This condition may be the consequence of various diseases and implies a treatment by ventilatory support. In noninvasive ventilation, “pressure support” mode is a ventilatory mode that is commonly used. This mode necessitates a good synchronization between the patient’s inspiratory efforts and the ventilator pressure cycles, one of the objectives being to reduce the patient’s work of breathing. Furthermore, noninvasive ventilation is known to have effects on the cardiovascular system, even if the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. First, we will focus on the modeling of the cardiovascular dynamics to assess the mechanisms leading to cardiac remodeling. This model allows to reproduce and explain the origin of the two phases of pulmonary arterial hypertension. A second part was devoted to patient-ventilator interactions in order to understand the emergence of the asynchrony events that can be observed in clinics. We built a dynamical model able to reproduce the global behavior of some ventilators available on the market. This work therefore represents a first theoretical approach allowing to improve the understanding of various interactions related to the cardiorespiratory system.

The Ph.D. thesis can be downloaded here

Kernel Biomedical

- References

- A. Kerfourn, B. Lamia, J.-F. Muir & C. Letellier, A dynamical model for heart remodeling during the two phases of pulmonary arterial hypertension, EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics, 4, 1, 2016. Online

This thesis was supported by ADIR Association

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