

Full Professor
Ecrire mail à : Robert GILMORE
Voir ce site : Bob at Drexel University

Robert Gilmore was graduated in 1962 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Phyics and Mathematics. Then he spent his Ph’D thesis in Physics (1962-1967) while he was in the technical staff at the Bell Telephone Laboratories (New Jersey). He became instructor at MIT in 1967 and assistant professor in 1970. Then he switched for University of South Florida where he became full professor in 1976. In 1976, he moved to Drexel University where he is still today.

Robert Gimore wrote numerous papers in the fields:

- Nonlinear dynamics
- Time series analysis
- Catastrophe theory
- Lie group theory
- Geometry in thermodynamics and quantum mechanics
- Algebraic modeling methods
- Nuclear, atomic and molecular physics
- Quantum networks
- Coherent states in atomic and nuclear physics

- Books published by Robert Gilmore

R. Gilmore, Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Some of Their Applications, Wiley, 1974. Republished by Dover, 2006.

R. Gilmore, Catastrophe Theory for Scientists and Engineers, Wiley, 1981. Republished by Dover, 1993.

R. Gilmore & M. Lefranc, The Topology of Chaos, Alice in Stretch and Squeezeland, Wiley, 2002.

R. Gilmore, Elementary Quantum Mechanics in One Dimension, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.

R. Gilmore & C. Letellier, The Symmetry of Chaos, Oxford University Press, 2006.

Voir ce site : Bob at Drexel University

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